Thursday, October 15, 2009

What will I bring???

Hi! Pinky here,

For my return to Matainui, I will be bringing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. A meduim sized tent. (made to fit about four people)
  2. A survival kit.
  3. 10 metres of rope.
  4. Tarpoline.
  5. Matches.
  6. First aid kit.
  7. Communal blanket.
  8. Tinned food ( about 10 cans).
  9. 10 high protein bars.
  10. Metal pan.

Bonus Item: Towel.

Bonus item: Toilet paper.

So hopefully I have made the right decisions, wish me and my group luck!!!!


  1. I wonder if all that would fit in your pack.. ?
    Good items though.
    You better re-check your spelling of Matainui on your blog name too :-)

  2. Woopsy!!! I keep forgetting to change it thanks!!!!

  3. a great survival list once combined with your team mates :-)
